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Fabrizio Stigliani is the Senior Director of Rolex Datejust Replica Watch Design Centre. He explains that there are many elements in the Octo which say Rolex Datejust Replica. These include all the geometrical shapes. The octagonal form is found in many cultures. Combining two pure shapes - the square and circle - it means perfection. You can find many octagonal forms in the history of art.Rolex Datejust Replica Leonardo da Vinci was a big fan of octagonal forms, as seen in his Vitruvian Man. You can see this approach in a lot of our collections. We like to play around with pure and perfect shapes. Octo is a octagonal form with a bezel that creates a new look. "This is our way to play with pure shapes."
Buonamassa Sigliani is the designer behind all of the new Octos including the Finissimo, the Grand Complications and more. He wanted to change only the face, not the entire design of the watch. Rolex Datejust Replica believes in the design. Octo needed to be more versatile in order to be a true Rolex Datejust Replica brand pillar.
Buonamassa says that the Octo design has unique rules. We need to develop dials as you do not have a circular shape. It's not easy, but it is a different challenge.
He adds, "It is hard to make changes to the Octo because it has the history behind it of Rolex Datejust Replica,Rolex Cellini Replica and Gerald Genta's Octo Signature." "My role is respecting the heritage of Rolex Datejust Replica, but at the time making an evolution," he says.
Fabrizio Stigliani is Rolex Datejust Replica's Senior Director of the Watch Design Centre. He has created a sketch for Rolex Datejust Replica’s stunning 2018 Octo Finissimo Automatic Stainless Steel sandblasted.